The King Laboratory
of Theoretical Ecology & Evolution
at the University of Michigan

Fueling defense; effects of resources on the evolution of tolerance to macroparasite infection

S. A. Budischak, A. L. Graham, and C. E. Cressler
Frontiers in Immunology 59:  E26–E26, In: Integrative and Comparative Biology 2018.

Resource availability is a key environmental constraint affecting the ecology and evolution of species. Resources have strong effects on disease resistance, but they can also affect the other main parasite defense strategy, tolerance. A small but growing number of animal studies are beginning to investigate the effects of resources on tolerance phenotypes. Here, we review how resources affect tolerance strategies across animal taxa ranging from fruit flies to frogs to mice. Surprisingly, resources (quality and quantity) can increase or reduce tolerance, dependent upon the particular host-parasite system. To explore this seeming contradiction, we recast predictions of models of sterility tolerance and mortality tolerance in a resource-dependent context. Doing so reveals that resources can have very different epidemiological and evolutionary effects, depending on what aspects of the tolerance phenotype are affected. Thus, it is critical to consider both sterility and mortality in future empirical studies of how behavioral and environmental resource availability affect tolerance to infection.

The official version of the paper is here.  

© 2025 Aaron A. King
3038 Biological Sciences Building
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